Key Notes
Life processes
Life processes
Life processes
• Constantly exhibit the functions of maintenance and repair in living organisms
• Some Examples- Digestion, Respiration, Circulation etc.
• Process of obtaining nutrients from the environment i.e. intake of food and then its digestion in the body.
• Two types – Autotrophic (self-sufficient for food) and Heterotrophic (dependent on others for food).
Autotrophic nutrition
• Synthesis of food by photosynthesis- ‘photo’ means light and ‘synthesis’ means production. It is the production of food with the help of sunlight.
• Photosynthesis equation-
6CO2+6H2O give C6H12O6+6O2
• Events of photosynthesis are as follows: Absorption of light energy chlorophyll which is the green pigment and gives energy for activation of reaction. Then the splitting of water into its constituent’s hydrogen and oxygen leading to the Synthesis of ATP and NADPH2 and finally reduction of CO2 to carbohydrates.
Heterotrophic nutrition
• Generally take up energy from plants and animals by using them as food.
• Mostly of three types—holozoic, parasitic, and saprophytic.
• Digestion- mechanical and chemical reduction of ingested nutrients which can be then converted to energy for use.
• Human digestive system- consists of the long alimentary canal that includes mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.
• Organs for assistance- pancreas, liver
Nutrition in humans:
• Saliva is secreted by salivary glands located under the tongue which contains digestive enzymes like salivary amylase, which break down starch into sugar. So, digestion of carbohydrates starts in the mouth itself.
• Tongue helps in chewing, moistening, rolling and swallowing of food.
• The food from mouth then goes down the oesophagus, which is the food pipe to the stomach, through the movement of walls of oesophagus (peristalsis)
• Stomach mixes the food hence received with various digestive juices.
• Inner lining of stomach secretes:
• Mucus – protects the lining of stomach from being corroded by the acid.
• Hydrochloric acid – creates an acidic medium and dissolves bits of food.
• Digestive juices – break down protein into simpler substances.
The food from stomach eventually moves into the small intestine.
• Digestion in small intestine: It is the longest part (about 7.5 m long) of alimentary canal. It is the site where complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats takes place. It gets intestinal juices from two different glands – liver and pancreas that help in the further digestion of food.
• The digestive tract and associated glands together constitute the digestive system.
• It is controlled by enzymes and energy is released from the breakdown of organic substances. It is of two types that are aerobic and anaerobic
Aerobic respiration
• Oxidation of food materials by oxygen
• Produces 36 ATP
• The steps followed in cellular respiration
First step is breakdown of glucose (6C) into pyruvates (3C) in the cytoplasm
Second step- Pyruvate is then broken down to CO2 and water and it takes place in the mitochondria where energy is produced in ATP form.
Anaerobic respiration
• It is the Oxidation of nutrients without using up the molecular oxygen
• It gives 2 ATPs.
• First step- glycolysis in cytoplasm, 2 pyruvate produced
• Second step is the break down of pyruvic acid into ethanol and water and energy (in yeast) and lactic acid and energy (in muscle cells)
Human respiration
• It consists of the nose, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli
• Bronchioles then divide into many alveoli which are sites of gaseous exchange.
• O2 present in alveolar blood vessels is then transported to various cells of the body.
Hemoglobin pigment present in blood is majorly responsible for transportation of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
First and foremost things, a liquid medium is required always for transportation.
Transportation in humans
• Double circulation occurs in human beings i.e. the blood goes through the heart twice during each cardiac cycle.
• Blood and lymph are both involved in transportation
• Components of blood are RBCs, WBCs, platelets, and plasma.
• Three types of blood vessels are arteries, veins and capillaries.
• Arteries carry oxygenated blood in them, except one that is pulmonary artery
• Veins carry deoxygenated blood in them, except pulmonary vein
The Human heart is divided into four chambers – right auricle, right ventricle, left auricle, and left ventricle
• The Right side of the heart gets deoxygenated blood from different cells of the body
• The Left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from lungs.
Transportation in plants
• Transportation of water is through xylem tissues
• Transport of water occurs due to transpiration pull, root pressure and difference in pressure gradient.
• Transport of food or translocation takes place through phloem and it requires energy.
It involves the removal of harmful metabolic wastes from the body of organisms by various processes.
Excretion in humans
The excretory system consists of- a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, a urinary bladder, and a urethra.
• Nitrogenous wastes such as urea and uric acid are removed
• Nephron- basic filtration unit
• Main components of the nephron - glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, renal tube
• The process of Removing of nitrogenous wastes through artificial kidney is called dialysis.
Class X Science
NCERT Solutions for Life Processes
NCERT Solutions for Life Processes
Q1. Why is diffusion insufficient to meet the oxygen requirements of multicellular organisms like humans?
Ans. In multicellular organisms all the cells may not be in direct contact with the surrounding environment. Hence diffusion will not meet all the requirements of all the cells.
Q2. What criteria do we use to decide whether something is alive?
Ans. Movement in response to external stimuli, breathing, growth etc.
Q3. What are outside raw materials used for by an organism?
Ans. Outside raw materials are used for maintenance and sustenance of life by an organism.
Q4. What processes would you consider essential for maintaining life?
Ans. All processes that perform the maintenance function of living organisms are called life processes. All life processes are essential for maintaining life.
Q5. What are the differences between autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition?
Autotrophic Nutrition | Heterotrophic Nutrition |
1. Food is made from inorganic components. | Food is obtained from organic components |
2. Chlorophyll and sunlight is required. | Chlorophyll and sunlight is not required. |
3. Photosynthesis or chemosynthesis takes place. | These processes do not occur. |
4. It occurs in green plants and some bacteria. | It occurs in animals and insectivorous plants. |
Q6. Where do plants get each of the raw materials required for photosynthesis?
Ans. For photosynthesis plants obtain the following raw materials:
(i) Water: Roots absorb it from the soil.
(ii) Carbondioxide: Stomata in leaves allow the carbon dioxide gas to enter into the plant.
(iii) Chlorophyll: It is already present in the leaves.
(iv) Sunlight: From the sun.
Q7. What is the role of acid in our stomach?
Ans. Acid (HCl) present in our stomach makes the medium acidic so as to facilitate the action of the enzyme pepsin and it kills the bacteria ingested with food.
Q8. What is the function of digestive enzymes?
Ans. Digestive enzymes act on the complex food to break them into simpler components.
Q9. How is the small intestine designed to absorb the digested food?
Ans. Small intestine has finger like projection in the inner lining which increases the surface area for absorption of food. These finger like projections are called villi. The villi are richly supplied with blood vessels which take the absorbed food to each and every cell of the body.
Q10. What advantages over an aquatic organism does a terrestrial organism have with regard to obtaining oxygen for respiration?
Ans. Aquatic organism takes in the oxygen dissolved in water which is in less percentage than the oxygen present in air. Terrestrial organism can take in more amount of oxygen at a time than aquatic organisms.
Q11. What are the different ways in which glucose is oxidised to provide energy in various organisms?
Ans. Breakdown of glucose by various pathways for different organisms are:
Q12. How is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings?
Ans. Oxygen is carried by haemoglobin present in the RBC of the blood, carbon dioxide is soluble in water and hence is transported by the blood in dissolved form.
Q13. How are lungs designed in human beings to maximise the area for exchange of gases?
Ans. In human beings lungs have the tubes called bronchioles which divide into smaller tubes and terminate into balloon like structures called alveoli. The alveoli provide large surface area where the exchange of gases can take place.
Q14. What are the components of transport system in human beings? What are the functions of these components?
Ans. In human beings the transport system consists of the following:
(i) Heart: It acts as a pumping organ.
(ii) Blood: It is the transport medium. It is made up of:
(a) Plasma–It carries food molecules, nitrogenous wastes, salts, carbon dioxide, hormones proteins etc. in a dissolved form.
(b) RBC–Consists of haemoglobin and transports oxygen.
(c) WBC–Helps to fight infection.
(d) Platelets–Helps in the clotting of blood.
(iii) Blood vessels:
(a) Arteries–Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to each and every cell.
(b) Veins–Bring de-oxygenated blood to heart for purification.
Q15. Why is it necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in mammals and birds?
Ans. Mammals and birds need large amount of energy for their life processes and hence the oxygenated blood can help them to obtain this energy by breaking down the food.
Q16. What are the components of the transport system in highly organised plants?
Ans. The components of the transport system are xylem. and phloem in highly organized plants.
Q17. How are water and minerals transported in plants?
Ans. Water and minerals are transported in plants with the help of xylem tissue. Roots absorb the water from the soil by actively taking up ions, creates the difference in the concentration of these ions between the root and the soil. Water enters the root cells. The water moves up creating a column of water that is steadily pushed upwards in vessels and tracheids of the roots, stem and leaves, and are interconnected to form a continuous system of water-conducting channels reaching all parts of the plant. The water loss by leaves through stomata is called transpiration. It creates a suction pull, which pulls water from the xylem cells of roots.
Q18. How is food transported in plants?
Ans. The transport of food in plants is called translocation. It takes place with the help of a conducting tissue called phloem. Phloem transports glucose, amino acids and other substances from leaves to root, shoot, fruits and seeds. Sieve tube and companion cells help in transporting the food in upward and downward directions. Sucrose like materials are transported using energy from ATP and osmotic pressure, which is caused due to water. This pressure moves the material in the phloem to tissues which have less pressure. This pressure helps in the movement of material in plants.
Q19. Describe the structure and functioning of nephrons.
Ans. Structure of nephrons: It consists of a Bowman’s capsule in which glomerulus is present (cluster of capillaries). The afferent artery brings the impure blood to nephron. The cup shaped structure (Bowman’s capsule) form a tubular part of nephron which leads to collecting duct.
Working of Nephron
(i) Filtration: The renal artery or afferent artery is wider and slowly it becomes a narrow tube in the glomerulus. Due to difference in the width, pressure difference is caused and water with dissolved impurities are squeezed out from the tube. It is collected in the Bowman’s capsule which is cup like structure and passes into the tube.
(ii) Reabsorbtion: The above filtrate passes through the tubule where the major amount of water, glucose, amino acids are selectively reabsorbed by the capillaries which are surrounding the tubule.
(iii) Urine formation: The water and impurities which is not reabsorbed is sent to a collecting duct. This filtrate contains more of dissolved nitrogenous wastes i.e. urea and hence it is termed as urine. From here the urine enters the ureter and is collected in urinary bladder.
Q20. What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products?
Ans. Wastes excreted from plants are:
(i) Gaseous wastes–through stomata pores CO2 is given out during respiration and O2 is given out during photosynthesis.
(ii) Liquid wastes (water)–through stomata pores by transpiration.
(iii) Other wastes–are stored in leaves dead cells and the leaves fall off.
Some other waste products are stored as resins and gums in old xylem of the plant and other wastes are also thrown out from nodes into the soil.
Q21. How is the amount of urine produced regulated?
Ans. The amount of urine produced depends on how much excess water there is in the body and how much of dissolved waste there is to be excreted. On a hot day, when we sweat and lose a lot of body water and salts, most of the water and salts in kidney will be reabsorbed into the blood from the filtrate in the tubule. Thus the volume of urine produced will be less.
In winters, when we do not sweat a lot, a litde water and salts will be reabsorbed and the volume of urine produced will be more.
Thus there is perfect osmoregulation in the body.
Q1. The kidneys in human beings are a part of the system for
(a) nutrition.
(b) respiration.
(c) excretion.
(d) transportation.
Ans. (c) excretion.
Q2. The xylem in plants are responsible for
(a) transport of water.
(b) transport of food.
(c) transport of amino acids.
(d) transport of oxygen.
Ans. (a) transport of water.
Q3. The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires
(a) carbon dioxide and water.
(b) chlorophyll.
(c) sunlight.
(d) all of the above.
Ans. (d) All of the above.
Q4. The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water and energy takes place in
(a) cytoplasm.
(b) chloroplast. (c) mitochondria.
(d) nucleus.
Ans. (c) mitochondria.
Q5. How are fats digested in our bodies? Where does this process take place?
Ans. Fats are digested in the small intestine. The secretion of liver, called bile, breaks down the large globules of fat into smaller globules. This is called emulsification of fats. The bile also makes the medium alkaline so that the pancreatic enzyme containing lipase further digest fats to form fatty acids. The alkaline medium is required for pancreatic enzyme to act on lipase.
Q6. What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food?
Ans. Saliva contains enzymes, salivary amylase and is released in our mouth. It breaks down starch into sugar (complex carbohvdrates into simpler ones).
Q7. What are the necessary’ conditions for autotrophic nutrition and what are its byproducts?
Ans. For autotrophic nutrition to take place the conditions necessary are light, carbon dioxide and water should reach a cell which contains chlorophyll in it. Water first splits to release oxygen and hydrogen. This process is photolysis of water. Hydrogen then combines with carbon dioxide to form glucose.
The byproduct of the autotrophic nutrition is oxygen which is released through stomata.
Q8. What are the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? Name some organisms that use the anaerobic mode of respiration.
Aerobic respiration | Anaerobic respiration |
1. Takes place in presence of oxygen. | Takes place in absence of oxygen. |
2. Its end products are carbon dioxide and water. | Its end products are ethanol and carbon dioxide. |
3. More energy is released. | Less energy is released. |
4. It takes place in cytoplasm and mitochondria. | It takes place only in the cytoplasm. |
5. Complete oxidation of glucose takes place. | Incomplete oxidation of glucose takes place. |
Some organisms that use the anaerobic mode of respiration are—yeast and bacteria.
Q9. How are the alveoli designed to maximise the exchange of gases?
Ans. The alveoli are present at the terminal of bronchioles. They are balloon shaped structures which increases the surface area for the exchange of gases and are richly supplied with blood vessels to take the oxygen to different cells.
Q10. What would be the consequences of a deficiency of haemoglobin in our bodies?
Ans. Haemoglobin is a red pigment present in our blood which carries oxygen to all the parts of the body.
If there is deficiency of haemoglobin then amount of oxygen reaching our body cells will decrease.
Which may lead to release of less energy in our body, leading to a disease called anaemia.
Breathlessness, tiredness and weakness are the symptoms of anaemia.
Q11. Describe double circulation in human beings. Why is it necessary?
Ans. The heart of human beings consist of two sides right and left.
The right side of the heart receives de-oxygenated blood from the cells and tissues and sends it further for purification to lungs.
The left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from lungs which is pumped further and sent to all the parts of the body through blood vessels. This is called double circulation. The energy demand of human beings is too large and hence it is necessary for the separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to meet this energy demand.
Q12. What are the differences between the transport of materials in xydem and phloem?
Transport in Xylem | Transport In Phloem |
1. Water and mineral salts are transported. | Food in aqueous form is translocated. |
2. The transport is generally passive. | The transport is active. |
3. Vessels and tracheids are dead cells. | Sieve tubes and companion cells are living cells. |
Q13. Compare the functioning of alveoli in the lungs and nephrons in the kidneys with respect to their structure and functioning.
Alveoli | Nephron |
1. It is the structural and functional unit of lungs. | It is the structural and functional unit of kidneys. |
2. It is thin walled, has a large surface area and is richly supplied with blood vessels. | It is thin walled, has a large surface area and is richly supplied with blood vessels. |
3. It removes carbon dioxide from the blood. | It removes nitrogenous wastes from the blood. |
Class 10th Science
Multiple Choice Questions
Life Processes
Multiple Choice Questions
Life Processes
1. The chlorophyll in photosynthesis is used for
I. Absorbing light
II. Breaking down water molecule
III. No function
IV. Reduction of CO2
2. Proteins after digestion are converted into
I. Carbohydrates
II. Small globules
III. Amino acids
IV. starch
3. Carbohydrates in the plants are stored in the form of
I. Glycogen
II. Starch
III. Glucose
IV. Maltose
4. Main site of photosynthesis
I. Leaf
II. Stem
III. Chloroplast
IV. Guard cells
5. The small pores present of leaf’s surface are called
I. Stomata
II. Chlorophyll
III. Guard cells
IV. None of these
6. Photosynthesis is a
I. Catabolic process
II. Parabolic process
III. Amphibolic process
IV. Photochemical lprocess
7. Opening and closing of pores is a function performed by
I. Stomata
II. Chlorophyll
III. Chloroplast
IV. Guard cells
8. Which element is used in the synthesis of proteins?
I. Hydrogen
II. Oxygen
III. Nitrogen
IV. Carbon dioxide
9. Temporary finger like extensions on amoeba are called
I. Cell membrane
II. Cell wall
III. Pseudopodia
IV. Cilia
10. Bile juice is secreted by
I. Stomach
II. Pancreas
III. Small intestine
IV. Liver
11. Which of these juices is secreted by pancreas?
I. Trypsin
II. Pepsin
III. Bile juice
IV. Both I and II
12. Lipase acts on
I. Amino acids
II. Fats
III. Carbohydrates
IV. All of these
13. Respiratory pigment in human body is
I. Chlorophyll
II. Water
III. Blood
IV. haemoglobin
14. Blood consist of what fluid medium?
I. Lymph
II. Platelets
III. Plasma
IV. All of these
15. One cell-thick vessels are called
I. Arteries
II. Veins
III. Capillaries
IV. Pulmonary artery
1. I
2. III
3. II
4. III
5. I
6. IV
7. IV
8. III
9. III
10. IV
11. IV
12. II
13. IV
14. III
15. III
Sample Paper
Life Processes
Life Processes
1. In human alimentary canal, name the site of complete digestion of various components of food. Explain the process of digestion. [CBSE (CCE) 2012]
2. List in tabular form, three differences between arteries and veins. [CBS (CCE) 2012]
3. List the three kinds of blood vessels of human circulatory system and write their functions in tabular form. [CBSE I CCE) 2012]
4. (a) "The breathing cycle is rhythmic whereas exchange of gases is a continuous process". Justify this statement.
(b) What happens if conducting tubes of circulatory system develops a leak? State in brief, how could this be avoided?
(c) How opening and closing of stomata takes place? [CBSE (CCE) 2011]
5. Draw a diagram of the front view of human heart and label any six parts including at least two that are concerned with arterial blood supply to the heart muscles. [CBSE (CCE) 2011]
6. Describe in brief the function of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. [Foreign 2010]
7. Explain the process of breakdown of glucose in a cell
(i) in the presence of oxygen,
(ii) in the absence of oxygen. [HOTS,Foreign 2010]
8. (i) Label any 4 parts in the given diagram.
(h) What are the two functions represented in this diagram?
[HOTS, CBSE Sample Paper 2009]
9. What is double circulation in human beings? Why is it necessary?
[HOTS, NCERT, Delhi 2008C]
10. (a) Name two different ways in which glucose is oxidised to provide energy in various organism.
(b) Write any two differences between the two oxidation of glucose in organisms. [Al 2008]
11. Write any three differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. [HOTS, NCERT Exemplar, NCERT, AI 2008]
12. (a) Name the process by which autotrophs prepare town food.
(b) List the three events which occur during this process.
(c) State two sources from which plants obtain nitrogen for the synthesis of proteins and other compounds. [Foreign 2008]
Life Processes
Life Processes
1. How is ‘respiration’ different from ‘breathing’? Explain the process of aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
2. I) Name the blood vessel that brings oxygenated blood to the human heart.
II) Which chamber of the heart received oxygenated blood?
III) Explain how is the oxygenated blood from this particular chamber sent to all the body parts?
3. Explain the schematic representation of gaseous exchange in tissues.
4. Compare the functioning of alveoli in the lungs and nephrons in the kidneys with respect to their structures and functioning?
5. What is the significance of emulsification of fats?
6. Why is the small intestine in herbivores larger than in carnivores?
7. What is the advantage if a four chambered heart?
8. Explain the process by which inhalation occurs during breathing in human beings?
MAX TIME:60 mins
1. List down the raw materials for photosynthesis? (1 Mark)
2. Specify what is the role of bile juice in the process of digestion? (1 Mark)
3. Name the respiratory organ in fish and earthworm. (1 Mark)
4. Name the types of blood vessels used for the transportation of blood. (1 Mark)
5. What is dialysis? (1 Mark)
6. How is respiration in plants and respiration in animals different? (2 Marks)
7. Draw the labeled diagram of the human digestive system. (2 Marks)
8. How are alveoli designed and why? (2 Marks)
9. Define excretion. What are the two organs in human beings that act as accessory excretory organs? (2 Marks)
10. State the role of the following (i) Chloroplasts (ii) Diaphragm (iii) Larynx (3 Marks)
11. Give reasons for the following:
(i) The glottis is guarded by epiglottis.
(ii) It is said to not speak while eating.
(iii) Walls of trachea are supported by cartilage rings. (3 Marks)
12. Leaves of a potted plant were coated with wax to block the stomata.
Will this plant remain alive and healthy for long? State three reasons for your answer. (3 Marks)
13. Describe the process and importance of double circulation in humans. (3 Marks)
14. (i) Name the blood vessel that brings oxygenated blood to the human heart. (5 Marks)
(ii) Which chamber of human heart receives oxygenated blood?
(iii) Explain how oxygenated blood from this chamber is sent to all parts of the body.
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